Portland Civility Summit 2.0

Dear Neighbors and Residents,

If you don’t already know me then please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Thom King. I have recently joined the board of Portland’s Clean and Safe program. I will be proudly serving as the residential liaison for Portland Clean and Safe. My goal as residential liaison is to improve the communication lines between Portland Clean and Safe and residents in the area that Portland Clean and Safe services. I am here to answer questions, listen to comment and suggestions that I can bring to our quarterly board meeting.

At our last meeting I was made aware of a meeting occurring on November 17th that will address community issues including those of safety, crime, and livability. I would like to invite you to participate in the Portland Civility Summit meeting and help lend a voice to the concerns of our community.

Here is the official description of the meeting: Participate in a conversation with community members, police, social service agencies, business leaders and city officials. Lend your voice to the conversation on respect, justice, civic duty and community values. And learn what has changed since Civility Summit 2013. Additionally, learn about this summer’s innovative community policing strategies.

You should attend if:
You use and enjoy the public spaces in Portland
You work, play, or live in Portland
You study or worship in Portland
You are a Portland business
You care about our community
You want to know what works to make our public spaces more welcoming and safe
You want to make Portland even better

To sign-up to attend the Civility Summit 2.0 and for more information, visit the Eventbrite page, http://www.eventbrite.com/e/civility-summit-20-tickets-8501477147

Lastly, I encourage you to email me at thom.king (AT) stevivia.com. I can add you to my database and keep you apprised of updates and happenings that affect your lifestyle and community.

Thank you!

Sincerely yours,

Thom King
Board Member – Portland Clean and Safe
Board Member – Flanders Lofts Homeowners Association


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