4th of July and Fireworks reporting

Tips from m Laureen Paulsen Community Outreach / Public Information, Portland/Multnomah County 9-1-1

The 4th of July holiday is perhaps the busiest time of the year for Portland BOEC / Multnomah County 9-1-1. Both legal and illegal fireworks being used in our neighborhoods will result in thousands of non-emergency fireworks and noise complaint calls over the course of the next few days. Many illegal fireworks can be seen for miles, and can result in dozens of calls about the same incident and engage several call takers.

4th of July fireworks reporting tips:

  • Where there is a true and immediate threat to life and property such as an injury or a fire – call 9-1-1.
  • To report illegal fireworks (without fire/injury) or fireworks related noise complaints, call (503) 823-3333.
  • Be patient – if you find yourself in the holding queue, it’s because all call takers are busy. Hanging up and calling back will likely land you deeper in the holding queue.

We understand your frustration with the noise and chaos, but please DO NOT call 9-1-1 unless you have a life threatening emergency and need immediate response from Police, Fire, or EMS.




One response to “4th of July and Fireworks reporting”

  1. Judith Matkin Avatar
    Judith Matkin

    For the 5th year in a row I’m letting you know about fireworks, fires and beach camping tents etc. on the beach across from Sellwood Harbor. Where we live. Just south of the Sellwood Bridge. As I am sitting on my deck the boats are flying through the no wake area. Do we have tocwaitvtill the protected hillside burns down before you pay attention!!!

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