Celebrate The Emerson School 2016
The Emerson School – Portland, OR from Eric Maxen on Vimeo. A great video about our favorite North Park Blocks neighbor – The Emerson School. Every day your students’ laughter enlivens our park. If you’re inclined to help, click here for Emerson School fundraiser.
Cities watch as Portland allows homeless to sleep on sidewalks and camp in public spaces
From the LA Times – Portland, like Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle, has declared a homelessness emergency. That allows the city to cut red tape and seek more federal assistance. The four cities and their surrounding counties account for an estimated 70,000 homeless. For full story
Restaurant and Developer Groups Are Piling Onto A Camping Lawsuit Against the City
The Portland Mercury reports the list of people suing the city over new camping policies is growing. In a motion filed May 20, a group of organizations that believe Mayor Charlie Hales’ lenient stance on camping is illegal say they’ve found three new plaintiffs to sign onto a lawsuit filed last month. They are the Oregon Restaurant and…