PBOT: Suck it Up, Unhappy PDX Drivers Citywide
The folks who live and work around the North Park Blocks keep getting the cold shoulder from Portland’s Commissioner of Public Safety Steve Novick and his Bureau of Transportation. For months we’ve documented how Bolt Bus turned a quiet historic park into a bus depot. We were startled when PBOT suggested we suck it up since drivers all over Portland are frustrated. Cevero…
Join Us for Yoga in the Park
Don’t miss free yoga in the North Park Blocks. Weds July 6th, 20th, Aug 3rd, 17th and 31st. Noon till 1 PM No sign up required. Meet at NW Park and Davis
Why Can’t Wealthy Cities Fix the Homeless Problem?
Reposted from Alternet: Why Can’t Wealthy Cities Fix the Homeless Problem? July 7, 2016 What follows are six unexpected takeaways from the SF Homeless Project’s coverage, starting with the surprising revelation that there were more people living on the city’s streets in the 1990s. These may be some valuable lessons for Portland. 1. May Have Been Bigger…