Arts/Events in the Park

  • East Portland Secessionists

    Two East Portland secessionists explain why they want voters to sever their neighborhoods’ ties to the city. Our form of government [city commissioners elected citywide, instead of from districts] doesn’t work. We don’t want that future, where you can’t control what’s going on in your borders. Read the article featuring Collene Swenson regarding a change…

  • Portland Police iPhone App

    Description The Portland (OR) Police Bureau is committed to building strong relationships across the community in order to improve public safety and livability in neighborhoods and to enhance community trust in the police. The members of the Portland Police Bureau are committed to innovation and high quality customer service. There is new Portland Police iPhone…

  • Portland Business Alliance Livability Petition

    We are reaching out to ask you to sign the petition and share it with anyone in your community who is concerned about this issue. Our intent of the campaign is to show city leaders that Portlanders are concerned about the safety of people living on the streets, the safety of families and visitors who…