Old Town Chinatown Advocates Speak Out

Two brief public comments – Portland City Council – Oct 7, 2015
Click images to play video segments. 

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Click image to play 4  minute video

Charles Mattouk – Owner of Charlie’s Deli 22NW 4th St.

… Because of sidewalk campers, there’s no access or egress to parking spots or bicycle spots. Personal property completely fills the sidewalks and forces people to walk in the streets. With the NW 4th and Burnside intersection opening up, it almost seems like an intersection to nowhere.

I’d love to propose no loitering areas where active residential and business exist – at least during business hours. Most of the people out there need help and attention.

Helen Ying
Click image to play 3 minute video

Helen Ying –  Chair of Old Town Chinatown Community Association

… We must address the lawless behavior – using drugs in public, sleeping on sidewalks, setting up tents, even an attack on OTCT board member

I ask you to be proactive – systematic and systemic to improve our streets. I see this government working in silos.


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