Category: NPB News
OPB Broadcast from Homeless Encampments In Lents
Lents Active Watch: Neighbors Try To Understand Homelessness OPB’s Think Out Loud March 7, 2015 Today we head out to Beggars Tick, a wildlife-refuge-turned-homeless-encampment in the Lents neighborhood, to try to understand the complicated relationship between housed and unhoused neighbors. “I’ve often said that if you want to be homeless, you might as well do it in Portland. It…
A Vision for the North Park Blocks
Meeting Held with City Officials: Reported by Stanley Penkin Following the disruptive summer of 2015 in the North Park Blocks (NPB), there has been a good deal of discussion and citizen activism to assure that there is not a repeat occurrence this coming summer, or ever again. Residents and businesses adjacent to NPB gathered their forces late…
Help Design Our New Playground
Come learn about the Parks Replacement Bond-funded replacement of the North Park Blocks Playground at an Open House on Monday, February 29, from 5:30pm – 7:00pm. A brief presentation will start at 6pm, and Parks project staff & the design team from PLACE will be on hand to answer your questions and take your ideas. Graciously hosted by WeWork –…
Business Damaged “Beyond Repair” by Influx of Homeless Campers
BY KATU.COM Staff and Lincoln Graves, KATU News PORTLAND, Ore. — A Portland wine bar is closing its doors after being damaged “beyond repair” by the “influx of homeless campers … drug use and other crimes.” Remedy Wine Bar, which has been located on Northwest Everett Street by the North Park Blocks for three years, made…