Parks ARE For Everyone – But Lack Safety And Order
A North Park Block neighbor sent the following email to Parks Commissioner Amanda Fritz: Thank you for the work you do for the city. I write because I heard about the Sept 1st task force meeting called by Mayor Hales regarding the conditions in the North Park Blocks. You stayed for only 20 minutes, but before you departed early you…
Park Decay is Not a “Haves vs Have Nots” Issue
Mayor Hales & Commissioner Fritz – I am one of the many concerned citizens actively trying to clean up the North Park Blocks of illegal activities. I am writing to you both directly since I haven’t been able to attend the meetings led by Michelle Cardinal of R2C Group. I am in a smaller minority…
Mayor Visits Park – What Happens Next?
Dear Mayor, Thank you for your walk in the North Park Blocks initiated by the Emerson School this morning. I would like to share with you the events of my day subsequent to your walk. By noon: I had to call Clean & Safe to remove shit that someone smeared on one of our office entryway…